
发布者:李庆瑞   发布时间:2021-02-16   浏览次数:252

20212月,刘忠志博士的论文“Examining the technical and social foundations of mass customization capability: A capability hierarchy view”被《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management(IEEE-TEM)接收。该论文从组织能力的等级视角探讨企业大规模定制能力的技术和社会前置因素,揭示大规模定制能力的微观能力基础,便于企业管理者更好地改进大规模定制能力、提升企业的竞争优势。IEEE-TEM是专注于制造、生产和运营管理研究的认可度高、发行量好的行业领先期刊。IEEE-TEMABS列表的3星期刊,JCR分区的Q1区期刊,其影响因子为2.784

Dr. Zhongzhi Liu’s paper “Examining the technical and social foundations of mass customization capability: A capability hierarchy view” was recently accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. From a capability hierarchy perspective, this paper proposes and empirically examines a three-order capability hierarchy in which engineering and processing capabilities, along with decision-making norms, act as foundations for operational innovation capability (OIC) and MCC. This paper enriches the current MC research stream by examining the social micro-foundations of MCC, addresses the theoretical and empirical relationships among MCC, innovation, and other operational capabilities, and underscores the importance of managing capability links for competitive advantages. IEEE-TEM is a well-established, highly successful, and leading journal reporting manufacturing, production, and operations management research. IEEE-TEM is ABS 3 ranked and JCR Q1 journal with an impact factor of 2.784.

刘忠志,苏州大学智慧供应链研究中心、苏州大学东吴商学院电子商务系助理教授,美国亚利桑那州立大学供应链管理博士,主要研究领域包含开放式创新,供应链管理、大规模制造等。所著论文发表于《Journal of Operations Management》、《Journal of Supply Chain Management》、《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management》、《International Journal of Production Economics》等期刊上。
