【论著】科研成果通报:Hyojin Kim博士在权威期刊IJOPM发表研究成果

发布者:沙晓燕   发布时间:2021-07-02   浏览次数:41

20216月,智慧供应链研究中心再创佳绩。Hyojin Kim博士的论文“The dark side of supply chain digitalisation: Supplier- perceived digital capability asymmetry, buyer opportunism and governance”被《International Journal of Operations and Production Management(IJOPM)接收,该论文从中小型供应商企业的角度,探究了供应链数字化的潜在负面,主要表现在供需企业间的数字化感知能力不对称以及由此引发的机会主义这两个方面。IJOPMABS列表的4星期刊,JCR分区的Q1区期刊,其影响因子为4.619

Dr. Hyojin Kim’s paper “The dark side of supply chain digitalisation: Supplier- perceived digital capability asymmetry, buyer opportunism and governance” was recently accepted by International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM). The paper investigated a potential dark side of supply chain digitalisation from the viewpoint of the small and medium sized enterprise (SME) suppliers: namely, digital capability asymmetry and the partner opportunism of more digitally capable large buyers against SME suppliers. IJOPM ranks as ABS 4 and JCR Q1 journal with an impact factor of 4.619.

Hyojin Kim于韩国首尔延世大学获得工商管理博士学位。在加入苏州大学商学院之前,她曾在延世大学商学院担任运营和供应链管理讲师。她的研究重点是全球供应链管理,包括组织学习、供应网络、创新、战略关系管理。她的研究成果发表《Journal of Supply Chain Management (SSCI)、《International Journal of Production Economic(SSCI)等国际期刊上。

Dr. Hyojin Kim gained her Ph.D. from Yonsei University School of Business in Seoul and then worked as a lecturer in supply chain and operations management at Yonsei University before joining Soochow University. Her research focuses on global supply chain management, including organizational learning, supply networks, innovation, and strategic relationship management. Her research was published in Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, and the Oxford Handbook of Supply Chain Management.

